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French Fab : Alphi is committed

Alphi-French-Fab :-Alphi-is-committed
After the FRENCH TOUCH, and the FRENCH TECH, place to FRENCH FAB. The aim of the movement, initiated by BPI France, is to highlight the French industry at the World level, with an emphasis on innovation and the expertise of the industrial fabric in the hexagon. Built around four flagship values: expansion, internationalization, digitizing and energetic transition, this movement is aimed to all industrial companies, whether for very small enterprises, medium or intermediate-size enterprises than big Groups of Companies wanting to see the industrial France networking, attract talent and develop internationally. Like the German “Mittlesand”, the FRENCH FAB offers a new competitive lever to all industrial companies producing in France, by offering them an open and inclusive brand around the culture of progress and new technologies.

Innovation and know-how “made in France” have always been at the heart of R&D policy, thus it is therefore quite natural that the company recognizes itself in the FRENCH FAB. From the beginning, Alphi designs and manufactures cutting-edge products to fight against pain, increase safety and productivity. The Company, which has grown 36 % over the last two years, also uses advanced technologies throughout its production processes and its operational management. The FRENCH FAB is also committed to export development, an orientation chosen by ALPHI in 2012 with the creation of three subsidiaries in Switzerland, Luxembourg and Qatar. So many initiatives that make Alphi an active representative of the FRENCH FAB!
